Hello welcome to power path counseling

Congratulations on choosing self-care and healing

 I honor your decision to PRIORITIZE your wellbeing.

Your journey toward a life of health, happiness, and FULFILlment starts here.

I’m olufemi sharp, a licensed psychotherapist and sage  energy healer based in kansas city, missouri.  i am dedicated to helping you. 

I will support you with a blend of quality, evidence-based care, energy healing, and shadow-parts work that foster positive change. You will achieve your goals in mind, body and spirit.

I specialize in treating developmental and complex trauma, anxiety, social anxiety, troubled teens, depression, low self-worth, poor self-image, low self-confidence, ADHD, and relationship problems. 

With extensive experience in these areas, I provide highly individualized therapy to adults, couples, adolescents, and teens of all genders, races/ethnicities, religious affiliations, and sexual orientations.

At Power path counseling i wholeheartedly believe you are the expert of your life. My goal is to help you identify, name and express your dreams, hopes, strengths and values that may have become lost amidst life’s struggles. 

i will help you make necessary changes within a safe, nonjudgmental, 
warm, and collaborative relationship.


I cannot adequately describe the pain and frustration that comes alongside living with heightened states of anxiety which at times can consume your life where you "worry about anything and everything."

Anxiety, is the most prevalent mental health condition in America affecting as many as 40 million adults and teens. Anxiety manifests in the form of unpleasant intrusive thoughts and physical symptoms.

Fortunately, anxiety challenges are treatable when addressed with effective treatment. If anxiety is controlling your mind, body and emotions?  I am here for you and believe in your ability to create a fulfilling life grounded in meaning and purpose.

I will partner with you to disempower anxiety. As stated, I use cutting-edge  evidence-based treatment that intersect 
with age old healing traditions. Including Solutions-Focused, Narrative, CBT, modified DBT, IFS, Mindfulness, Shadow-Parts, Breath-work, Somatic Experiencing and Taoism. 

Mindfulness Energy Healing reduces overthinking, stress, tension and anxiety and restores calm, relaxed focus and promotes balance of the body's energy flow.

Mindfulness breath-work has been proven to be particularly powerful. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) breath-work calms the racing mind as well as reduces anxiety, restlessness, sleep problems, and the feeling of being on edge, fears and worries go away.

Choose the process of being grounded in positive emotions honoring a calm mind, body and spirit connection by doing this work. I can help you get there.

For a free 10 minute consultation email powerpath.com


Depression is a complex mood challenge affecting countless individuals worldwide. It can overshadow your wellbeing, influencing your emotions, thoughts, body, and behavior. Living with depression can feel like a relentless cycle of despair, characterized by fatigue, irritability, body aches and pain, self-critical thoughts, and a pervasive sense of worthlessness

At times despondency can emotionally arouse suicidal ideation. When these feelings persist, they can ripple out, impacting your health, relationships, and career, making each day a battle to get through. 

The silver lining is that depression is treatable with the right approach, relief and healing are entirely achievable.
I offer a compassionate, safe, and understanding environment where we can delve into your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, unravel past wounds and trauma contributing to your depression.

Practicing skills provided between sessions is imperative it’s a key part of the treatment process.
Depression often a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. 

Effective therapies include psychotherapy different types to help individuals address negative thought patterns, improve interpersonal relationships and develop coping skills. Medication: antidepressants can be prescribed to help manage the autonomic nervous system in the brain and body.
And lifestyle changes: exercise, improved sleep and working with patterns of thought. By consistently applying these skills and working with Olufemi you will be able to overcome these obstacles.   

My therapeutic toolkit includes evidence-based techniques like CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, and Energy Healing, along with Somatic Experiencing and Narrative Therapy and more.  
If you’re struggling with depressive symptoms, reaching out for help could be the pivotal first step towards healing, releasing pent-up emotions, and finding renewed emotional freedom and balance

Break Free from Survival Mode, Rediscover Your Authentic Self:


Are you caught in the relentless grip of chronic emotions like resentment, fear, anxiety, stress, worry, jealousy, and stress?  Do trauma memories, anger, guilt, low self-worth, and depressive shame spirals weigh you down?  Whether it's personal, family, or societal trauma, relationship conflict, critical self-talk, or chronic work stress, these survival emotions can feel all-consuming.

To cope, you might find yourself turning to cannabis, sugar, alcohol, poor diet, self-loathing, racing thoughts, or overeating. These learned behaviors might offer temporary relief but often lead to a troubled sense of self, relationship problems and more stress.

It’s time to break free from these conditioned mental habits and step into a life of emotional freedom and inner peace.  Let’s work together to reorganize your survival instincts and shadow-parts into vibrant, thriving, empowered living.

For a free 10 minute consultation               email: [email protected] 

When we perceive threats where none exist, our survival system—fight, flight, freeze, or hide—activates. While this system demonstrates remarkable resilience and, not conducive to achieving freedom, purpose, peace of mind, or healthy relationships. 

Research highlights that living in a heightened emotional state triggers our primitive brain, leading to panic, distorted thoughts, and reactions that can damage relationships and leave us feeling exhausted.

The subconscious mind holds onto pain and trauma, embedding them in our muscles, bones, cells, particles and tissues.

By addressing these stored wounds through energy healing and shadow work, we begin to shift how we identity and experience our stories, allowing us to transmute old patterns and step more fully into our authentic selves.
As Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, says in 

“The Body Keeps the Score," healing involves tending to these deep-seated wounds, ultimately leading to greater emotional freedom and balance.

"Instead of allowing your hardships to define, exhaust or discourage you learn from them be inspired and soar"                                                                                                Michelle Obama

Emotional freedom is releasing the baggage of the past, it’s very hard to engage the process of shedding the shadow parts of ourselves. 

We will focus on clearing and letting go of past betrayals, mistakes, and traumas, as well as old habits, negative childhood messages, and limiting beliefs. Our approach involves exploring mental habits that hinder success and progress, and addressing the root causes of the challenges in our relationship with ourselves. These challenges may stem from stored emotions in the subconscious mind, often linked to shadow aspects that need to be brought into conscious awareness. Through this process, you will experience a profound and transformative healing journey over time.

We will return to the place where we first begun and we will know it for the first time."      T.S. Elliot


Your story is unique. I'm eager to learn more about your life. As you embark on a journey of releasing unhelpful energy, reflecting on childhood experiences, and uncovering hidden aspects of yourself, therapy can lead to whole-person integration through awareness and loving self-acceptance.

Healing your wounds can bring lifelong benefits such as increased self-worth, confidence, self-love, calmness, clarity, authenticity, self-care, balance,  healthier relationships and the adventures of life

A successful therapeutic outcome hinges on a warm, trusting relationship between therapist and client, and the readiness to engage in the process can yield amazing results. Let's work together to get you there.

Olufemi brings her full self to the work, conveying humor, unconditional acceptance, authenticity, directness, psychoeducation, active listening, nonjudgment and expressions of warm empathy.

She believes we all have the capacity for self-healing and to live a happy, dynamic life beyond your dreams. Too often we allow external and internal triggers to impede even sabotage our desire for happiness. 


“I have had an amazing experience working with Olufemi she offered me practical skills to manage the daily ups and downs and triggers of life.

“Olufemi helped me realize some hard truths about myself. She's soft, straightforward and genuine.”

“It feels sort of like hearing language that all of sudden makes sense." 

"Olufemi’s a healing presence. She offers a safe space and helped me move through some tough stuff.”

“ She supplied me with a toolkit of communication skills, ways to reduce anxiety. It works.”

“ She’s a teacher. I have learned so much from her about many things.” 

“Olufemi is a wonderful counselor and therapist, warm, direct, and wise she gives  actionable steps and clear feedback.”

“If you are hurting and need help make an appointment with her." 

"Olufemi provide space, acceptance and walked with me of through some  heavy trauma.” 

 "No one compares to The Oracle--that is how I see Olufemi." She gave me many tools and ideas to reduce and manage anxiety."

 “Olufemi is a compassionate and down to earth she got right to the root of issues in couples counseling.”

I have a heart filled with gratitude and humility for answering the call to do this work and immense appreciation for the positive feedback. I'm exceedingly honored to provide positive affirming counseling to marginalized identities as it relates to race, culture, ethnicity, social status, gender and sexuality.

To those who have experienced oppressions, microaggressions and violence within certain groups, family structures, work environment and public spaces. I understand and here for you.

Olufemi Sharp is an LGBTQIA and BIPOC affirming therapist helping individuals and couples overcome challenges such as  life transitions, marital issues, open relationships and ethical non-monogamous partnering. Providing warm acceptance, understanding and effective communication tools.

I am thrilled you have chosen to visit my website. I hope you've gained insight into my style and therapeutic approach and feel a sense of connection. My goal is to help you grow and achieve your treatment goals in a way that resonates with you.

"If your story is anything like mine, you're on a path of intentional positive change.
I once faced blocked energy, childhood trauma, toxic relationships, and self-defeating choices. Chronic fatigue, self-doubt, depression, anger, anxiety, grief, and loneliness were part of my daily life.
I was surviving, not thriving. Then, I began repeating the mantra, 'I am willing to change.'

I sought therapy, read books, attended healing retreats, group therapy, seminars, spiritual ceremonies, and rituals. I worked with Babalowos, Priestesses, Shamans, and other indigenous healers. Through this journey, I experienced a new sense of freedom, happiness, joy, and excitement for life.

That was over 35 
years ago, and today, my purpose is to provide you with healthy tools, coping skills, techniques, and strategies to help you evolve in your unique way.
You are the expert of your life, and I will partner with you to address the patterns that interfere with your happiness. Let's move forward together.

Click the "Schedule Appointments" tab and follow the prompts. 

If you have additional questions about services, 

email [email protected].

Olufemi Sharp, 

Licensed Psychotherapist, 

shadow-work, sage energy healer.

Your humanity is your divinity.




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